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  • Hello and welcome to shanxi Taigu jihong Magang Casting Co., Ltd. !
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    company culture

    Concept of corporate culture:
    Enterprise purpose: to grow together, share success

    We grow together with the staff, and employees of the cause of the pursuit of self-affirmation and beyond - to create opportunities for employees
    We grow together with our customers, value-added assets to share the joy with customers - to create value for customers
    Partners grow together, sharing resources, complementary advantages, powerful combination, Build brilliant
    We grow together with the community to promote national economic development, revitalization of the national science and technology - to create benefits for the community

    The spirit of enterprise: dedicated efficient and pragmatic innovation

    Innovation is the soul of the company, is the driving force behind the development of the eternal
    Tell the truth, the real, do practical work, real results
    Dear, respected their career, in order to respect and treat the pious soul career, depending on their career as a vocation
    Think of to do, start immediately, rapidly absorbed rapidly changing, swift action

    Market-oriented, products and sales as a leader, brands and services as a support to R & D-based
    Concept of corporate culture:
    Enterprise purpose: to grow together, share success

    We grow together with the staff, and employees of the cause of the pursuit of self-affirmation and beyond - to create opportunities for employees
    We grow together with our customers, value-added assets to share the joy with customers - to create value for customers
    Partners grow together, sharing resources, complementary advantages, powerful combination, Build brilliant
    We grow together with the community to promote national economic development, revitalization of the national science and technology - to create benefits for the community

    The spirit of enterprise: dedicated efficient and pragmatic innovation

    Innovation is the soul of the company, is the driving force behind the development of the eternal
    Tell the truth, the real, do practical work, real results
    Dear, respected their career, in order to respect and treat the pious soul career, depending on their career as a vocation
    Think of to do, start immediately, rapidly absorbed rapidly changing, swift action

    Market-oriented, products and sales as a leader, brands and services as a support to R & D-based

    contact us

    Company Name: Taigu County in Shanxi Province Jihong Malleable Iron Castings Co., Ltd.

    Address: 108 State Road Hu Taigu County town Magang Industrial Area

    Contact: 15235470280


    Fax: 0354-6320128

    Website: http: //www.www.66game.net.cn

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