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  • Hello and welcome to shanxi Taigu jihong Magang Casting Co., Ltd. !
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    How to make pipe fittings buyers find you

    Source: Time:2016-03-05 13:31:52 views:

    How to make pipe fittings buyers find you

    Jihong Taigu Magang professional manufacturer of malleable iron pipe fittings, welcome customers to negotiate business.

    Preferred "must be knowledgeable," This is a concise summary of pipe sales, Heng Yang think of malleable iron pipe fittings industry has now formed a large and state, but most of the company's products in quality did not do "better" some companies are under no conditions on the production of the product, and then let the sales staff to sell, to the people there is a "shot, for a place," leave feeling cheated money, do not pay attention to selling the product after sales service, currently on the market has shown a pipe oversupply, and most products are generalized product, there is no dominant form their own, distinctive brand, which is a salesman you must know the external "market."

    So what is the internal "market" mean? "Integrity of others, so that the 'three will be' namely: will do, say, write," in fact, is the first person to do sales, do an honest treat people in the sales process must be kind to everyone, may I will not buy your product, but you have to carefully and explain to them, in other words, to sell products, but also in the marketing aspect of your character. Most of your customers will in good faith, open the original "shield" of the heart, it is very important to do business, but also I put it in the first place significance lies.

    "I will do", namely, the production of products, the salesman is to know what you are selling products is how produced, each of its parts are assembled and how its role, of course, most of the sales is impossible to plant production products , but you may want to walk in the workshop, a turn, know the product of "context." So when you sell products capable of "confidence" to be able to "fluent", allowing customers think you are very understanding of the product, otherwise customers will wonder, how product sales are not clear how to sell out, this will be very passive, do not conducive to sales.

    "I would say," is the clerk and customers when selecting how to convince you recommend products in the same family of products, then you would say your product's unique features and performance, the most important It is that you have to "think customers" is the desired product is what you have to talk about clear, your product will be better than their original use of the product and what kind of convenient benefits. To be able to say all of the performance of your recommended products, features, installation and commissioning of the Notes and so on, to be able to let customers know that you are in this aspect of the insiders, rather than One a "layman." That does business, the customers accept your products, will you, as a connoisseur One look. More acceptable to you, especially to reassure customers that you are able to provide them with all kinds of suggestions and comments in later use.

    "Write", that clerk and customer communication, through your in-depth knowledge of the tube, with the more intuitive diagram, the more simple the image of FIG recommend your product features, allowing customers to see your real product "different", on the other hand, you are able to write their copy in the case of detailed customer requirements, which is mainly for the provision of technical parameters and additional requirements for the production of products.


    contact us

    Company Name: Taigu County in Shanxi Province Jihong Malleable Iron Castings Co., Ltd.

    Address: 108 State Road Hu Taigu County town Magang Industrial Area

    Contact: 15235470280


    Fax: 0354-6320128

    Website: http: //www.www.66game.net.cn

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